
All phases of schooling at St Mary’s College are underpinned by Brisbane Catholic Education’s Learning and Teaching Framework and The Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Declaration (2019). The Alice Springs (Mparntwe - pronounced as 'M- ban-tua') Education Declaration sets the national vision for education for all Australians and notes two goals: 
  1. The Australian education system promotes excellence and equity. 
  2. All young Australians become: 
  • Confident and creative individuals 
  • Successful lifelong learners 
  • Active and informed members of the community 
Curriculum design and delivery at St Mary’s College is grounded in the Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Education Declaration and is mindful of the declaration’s goals. In alignment with the declaration, which promotes excellence and equity, we support students to achieve high standards and provide structures and adjusted strategies that enable equitable learning experiences. This is achieved within a faith-filled learning environment in which we are committed to supporting students to become confident and creative individuals, successful lifelong learners and active and informed members of the community. 

St Mary’s College offers diverse and dynamic learning pathways to suit individuals. Programs of study are based on the Australian Curriculum or the appropriate Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) syllabus. The Religious Education Program is based on the Archdiocesan Religious Education Guidelines.

All students at St Mary’s College are supported to achieve their personal best. We understand that no two students’ needs and interests are the same, and offer diverse and dynamic learning pathways to suit individuals. We are proud of our strong academic record and work proactively to strengthen each student’s performance.

Our progressive curriculum encompasses a range of  VET Courses equipping students with practical, work-related skills and the confidence to pursue further study or enter the workforce after high school. We are the only all girls school in Queensland, and the only school in Ipswich that is part of the Aerospace Gateway to Industry Schools Program, offering students direct pathways to careers in aviation. Technology is integral to our students learning though the value of writing with a pen and paper, and applying critical thinking are still practised regularly.

Middle Years: Years 7, 8 & 9 

The Year 7 and 8 curriculum is designed to facilitate a smooth transition into secondary school and introduce students to a broad base of subjects. The Middle Years program provides deep learning opportunities for our young women through a combination of semester based units in the Key learning Areas. The curriculum includes Religious Education, English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, Languages and Health and Physical Education. Students also study elective rotations in The Arts and Technologies. Year 9 students select electives to deepen areas of interest outside of the CORE offerings. 

Senior Years: Years 10, 11 & 12

Year 10 students have greater opportunity to specialise in their areas of interest whilst still accessing the Australian Curriculum. Multiple pathway opportunities are offered for our Year 11 and 12 students. All learners are catered for with meaningful pathways through broad curriculum of ATAR Eligible subject offerings benefiting our young women seeking tertiary entrance; blended pathways that promote tertiary entrance, while providing opportunities for Certificate II and III qualifications; a Vocational Pathway program that delivers a combination of Certificate courses, Authority-Registered subjects and opportunities for school-based apprenticeships and traineeships​ and STARS Mentoring Program.

STARS Mentoring Program

STARS – Students, Teachers, Achieving, Reaching and Striving supports Year 11 & 12 students to successfully navigate the areas of study habits, study environments and study/life balance. The Academic Mentoring Program occurs from Term 1 to Term 3. Teachers and students work together to help students form goals that assist them to achieve their potential for their QCE and final​ results. This program helps students to understand their study strengths and weaknesses and improves their efficacy as students. Teachers aim to coach students to find ways to work smarter so that they utilise their study time at home and school to their advantage. The STARS program prioritises the intellectual wellbeing of each student and aids her to be a motivated learner.