Vocational Education and Training (VET) equips students with specific practical work-related skills to prepare them for the world of work while they are at school. VET can enhance a student’s employment prospects upon leaving school, and offers alternate pathways in their transition from school to work or further education and training.
In Years 10, 11 and 12 students are able to select VET courses from a range of options including the following Certificates which are offered as part of the school curriculum:
Delivered by St Mary's College National Training Provider Number: 30360
Year 10
TAFE taster course
Year 11 & 12
• FSK20119 Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways
In Partnership with an external RTO
• BSB30120 Certificate III in Business in partnership with Binnacle Training College Pty Ltd. (RTO 31319)
• SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness and SIS20115 Certificate II in Sport and Recreation in partnership with Binnacle Training College Pty Ltd. (RTO 31319)
• HLT33115 Certificate III in Health Services Assistance and HLT23221 Certificate II in Health Support Services in partnership with Connect ‘n’ Grow (RTO 40518)
• AVI30419 Certificate III in Aviation (Remote Pilot) in partnership with Skills Generation (RTO 41008)
• SIT20322 Certificate II in Hospitality and SIT30622 Certificate III in Hospitality in partnership with Blueprint Career Development (RTO 30978)
Beyond the Classroom – Extension and Enrichment
Diverse learning enrichment opportunities enhance our curriculum, including university short courses, vocational courses, school-based traineeships and national academic competitions. High achieving students are encouraged to pursue extension programs to ensure they remain challenged.
St Mary's College offers many opportunities for your daughter to extend herself beyond the classroom. Our sport, culture and mission programs encompass a range of activities to complement traditional modes of study. Participating in extra-curricular activities, students learn valuable life skills such as organisation, time management, team work and leadership as well as build their sense of confidence, belonging and community.
In line with helping each student achieve to her potential, our Learning Enrichment team work to identify and assist students in need of extra support. The Learning Enrichment Centre (LEC) staff work with students on a casual or ongoing basis helping students to understand a concept, begin or continue an assignment or prepare for exams. and to offer opportunities for extension.
Certificate III in Aviation (Remote Pilot) in partnership with Skills Generation (RTO 41008)
• SIT20322 Certificate II in Hospitality and SIT30622 Certificate III in Hospitality in partnership with Blueprint Career Development (RTO 30978)
External Vocational Education and Training (eVET)
In addition to these courses, students are able to undertake VET courses off-campus with other training providers e.g. TAFE and a range of private providers. Some certificate courses on offer include: Health Service Assistance, Hospitality, Events, Hairdressing, Rural Studies, Animal Studies, Beauty Services, Fitness, Early Childhood Education and Care, Visual Arts and Manufacturing Technology. A complete list is available on request.
All VET programs at St Mary’s College include the opportunity to access quality work placements (on-the job training). Students can also participate in School-based Traineeships and Apprenticeships (SATs) as a further vocational option. SATs enable students to complete a formal qualification as well as undertake paid work in their chosen career field. SATs are available in a diverse range of fields including: Business, IT, Multimedia, Childcare, Fitness, Beauty, Hairdressing, Automotive, Engineering, Carpentry, Hospitality and Retail. Students participating in this program will spend one day per week for a minimum 12 month period ‘on the job’ and will undertake formal one-on-one training throughout that 12 month period. Successful completion of a SAT at a Certificate III level can be used in a the calculation of a students Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) if ATAR eligible.
Completion of VET Certificates provides students with vocational skills and knowledge, which will enable them to obtain part-time or full-time employment. Some courses can be used towards further study at TAFE or other private colleges. All courses earn points towards the QCE.